Discovering the advantages of dental implants in London

Joe Bhat is our principal dentist at Moor Park Specialist Dental Centre and is a specialist in both Oral Surgery and Prosthodontics.

dental-implants-londonDental implants are still a relatively new method of tooth replacement, although they were invented more than 50 years ago. In that time they have gradually moved from being an exceptional and unusual solution to tooth loss to the new gold-standard way of replacing lost teeth. The reason that they have been so widely adopted is due to their versatility and reliability. A single dental implant can be used to support a single crown, or a bridge of up to three teeth and just 4-6 implants will support a full upper or lower arch of dentures. Here at Moor Park Dental we have been fitting dental implants in London for more than a decade.

The most important thing to realise is that many millions of patients have now benefited from receiving dental implants, which have made a life-long difference to their quality of life. Here at Moor Park Dental in London, dental implants have proved to offer our patients many different advantages over traditional bridges and dentures.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

  • Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, in time you may forget that they are not your own;
  • Dental implants restore the function as well as the appearance of your teeth, unlike dentures which sit over you gums;
  • Dental implants are durable, with proper care they will last for a lifetime;
  • Dental implants can improve or maintain your oral health by supporting the continued growth of your jawbones as well as supporting your remaining teeth;
  • Dental implants allow you to eat a wide range of foods with confidence, you will be able to bite and chew properly ensuring that you can enjoy a balanced and nutritious diet;
  • Dental implants can help to restore your self-esteem and make you feel confident again, knowing that your teeth and smile look great;
  • Dental implants eliminate the discomfort and embarrassment of traditional dentures, your teeth stay securely in place and do not become loose over time;
  • Dental implants enable you to speak clearly again, poorly fitted dentures can move while you are talking, resulting in lisping, mumbling or slurring.

Principal Dentist Joe Bhat regularly manages complex clinical restorative problems and places and restores Dental Implants.

To book a consultation, get in touch with the practice by calling 01923 823 504 or emailing [email protected] today.